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Stone Massage Basics - 5 CE Hours

The NCBTMB approved 5 CE hour Stone Massage Basics course will introduce you to the basics stone and gem massage.
Ordering Options:
1. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed online.
2. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed on paper.

Cost:   $55.00
Cost includes all materials needed. If applicable, shipping is one flat rate of $10.00 (no matter how many courses you order). Materials are shipped via USPS Priority Mail.

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The 5 CE hour Stone Massage Basics course will introduce you to the principles and practice of hot stone and gem massage. Using basalt stones, hot stone massage not only dispels tensions and soothes the soul but also enhances lymph flow, removes toxins, and fortifies the immune system. The course provides over one hour of online technique demonstrations as well as step-by-step, fully illustrated instructions for treatments for each area of the body. It also includes details on more than 50 gemstones, showing how to further enhance the benefits of hot stone massage with gemstone chakra treatment. A brief background in Chinese medicine is discussed as well as indications and contraindications to hot stone and gem massage.

This Course Will Present:

  • Definition and history of hot stone massage
  • A step-by-step photographic guide for a full body hot stone massage session
  • 1 hour of online video techniques demonstrating stone massage
  • Contraindications and indications to hot stone massage
  • Information on basalt stones
  • Information on selecting massage oils and using essential oils
  • Information on body meridians and chakras
        Phone Orders Call:   712-490-8245
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