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Massage for the Elderly and Ill - 9 CE Hours

The NCBTMB approved 9 CE hour Elderly and Ill course will provide you with information on how to treat elderly and sick patients with massage.
Ordering Options:
1. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed online.
2. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed on paper.

Cost:   $100.00
Cost includes all materials needed. If applicable, shipping is one flat rate of $10.00 (no matter how many courses you order). Materials are shipped via USPS Priority Mail.

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Have you ever worked with elderly, frail, or chronically ill clients and wondered if the treatment was appropriate for them? The 9 CE hour Massage for the Elderly and Ill home study course will outline and explain appropriate treatment strategies for working with clients who are elderly, frail, chronically ill, or injured. This course enables you to bring the benefits of massage to elderly and chronically ill clients. It discusses the benefits, contraindications, the aging process, appropriate techniques, and positioning of clients. It also outlines proper documentation and marketing of massage for the elderly and ill as well as providing a 34 minute DVD. This course is a great resource for all massage therapists.

This Course Will Present:

  • Comfort Touch, a massage modality used to treat the elderly and chronically ill
  • Benefits and contraindications of working with elderly, frail, and/or ill clients
  • Appropriate positioning for performing massage and the elderly and/or ill
  • The aging process and how the body changes
  • Communication, documentation, and marketing massage for the elderly and/or ill
  • A 34 minute DVD demonstrating Comfort Touch
        Phone Orders Call:   712-490-8245
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